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How to choose reliable suppliers ?


1) Name and address of the company
2) Contact number and person
3) Major market or customer (which customer they deal with)
4) Major products (which products they experienced)
5) Capacity (monthly or annually)
6) The physical size of the plant
7) Number of employees
8) Financial status
9) Location of production
10) Production facilities
11) Quality standard
12) Minimum order quantity
13) Warranty & Refund Policy
14) Corporate Social Responsibility

US$ 1,30 - US$ 7,30
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 100 stukken
US$ 1,90 - US$ 7,90
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 100 stukken
US$ 3,99 - US$ 8,99
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 100 stukken
US$ 2,90 - US$ 8,90
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 100 stukken